The world of Social Media

Social Media is the new face of communications over the internet, networks where millions of people gather, talk, exchange information, get curated content, read about interesting facts, chat …For brands, being active in Social Media by following the Savoir Vivre of each network, can be very benficial, as users look for offers, discounts, new products.

Social Media can be a simulation of how people talk about your brand in real life with one big difference : information on Social Media flows in high speed and is available to a much larger audience.

A basic Social Media Marketing plan includes presence to all the major social media


the largest and most popular of SM


the “fastest” of all Social Media


the largest network for video sharing


the new face of Google


the professional business network


the photo sharing network


the network that turned everyone into a photographer


the best location-based social network

But not all at once…

We select the best social media “mix” for your brand. Not all social networks can help your brand reach users, so picking the right combination is essential to optimizing your social media presence.In Digital Arts Media Services, we avoid common mistakes made by Social Media Marketeers. The most common mistake or marketeers and brand owners is to think that the more social media profiles a business has, the more people it will reach. Social Media is about engagement and having users “talk” about your brand, thus converting them to your mini-advertisers. To achieve this, a SM strategy has to be formed and implemented.