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Off-Site SEO Schematics and Notes

Off-Site SEO Tips

Off-site SEO is the process of linking our website to the “outside” world. Relevant and high-quality websites are discovered and approached with a final goal to create “word of mouth” links to the website. This way, modern search engines will understand that your website is getting a good reputation, thus it has to be good and maybe interesting to their users.

Our goal is to find quality, relevant-only, solid and important links that will point to your website

Off-site SEO has to be done carefully. Bad quality links from low quality or spam website can cause you deep harm that will be difficult to recover from. We prefer this process to be slow, organic and done correctly, than do it quickly and in a spammy way.

If On-site SEO is 50% of your prospects on search engines, then off-site is the essential other 50%
