What is TNEW?
TNEW or Tessitura Network Web Express ( Copyright of Tessitura Network ), is a simple way to leverage all the power and tools of Tessitura Network on your website, without having to re-code your main website or migrate to new platforms. TNEW allows you to simple encapsulate the functionality of Tessitura in your website thus creating a seamless experience for the user. The collaboration of TNEW and your website is solid and both will look to be a single item instead of two parts.
Find out more about TNEW on its official website : http://www.tessituranetwork.com/en/Products/Services/TNEW.aspx
TNEW and WordPress
The power of WordPress is well known. We integrate your WordPress website, no matter the theme you use, to your TNEW service, in a way that all of your website graphics, branding elements, logos, colors and icons are part of your TNEW purchase path also. This way you can have multiple benefits from a WordPress website, since we keep our website part “vanilla” in this case also. Your benefits are multiple should you choose to go with TNEW and WordPress :
- your WordPress website is fully updatable due to our “vanilla” approach
- your TNEW remains functional and effective
- your WordPress plugins remain updatable
- your choices of colors and icons will propagate to your TNEW template
- your website can be responsive and mobile-friendly
- you will retain your full control on your WordPress website
Bottom line, we can optimize the way your WordPress website is integrated with your TNEW service from Tessitura Network. We will create your template and bind it to your theme and follow all the necessary steps to make both TNEW and WordPress work as one.
How it will work?