Why is your website hacked and how
Wordpres is one of the most popular website platforms online. It is also Open Source which means that anyone can have access to its source code. In such cases there are some Pros and some Cons. In the Pros we include the ability of a vast number of developers online to be able to add value to the platform, the ability for you to get WordPress for free and more. In its Cons, we can add that while WordPress is free and Open Source, hackers can be more efficient in detecting security holes and problems and leveraging them to hack your website.
Types of Hacks
- Defacement where your homepage is altered to something else
- Malware injection where your website files are infected with ( most of the times ) encrypted code which will pass on malware ( viruses, spyware, trojans ) to the visitor’s machine when your website is loaded on the browser
- Spam and email spam where your website is highjacked to allow pieces of software to send thousands or millions of email messages in a short time span
- DOS and DDOS attacks where your site is literally bombed with requests from either one or multiple servers so in the end it fails to respond and goes down
How we can help you
We will clean your WordPress core files, your plugins and manually find all your infected files, clean them and replace them with brand new. Then, we will make sure we harder your website’s security enough so that this does not happen again. Using some very solid plugins and practices, we will harden your passwords, your filesystem, your WordPress code and website to stand against Brute Force attacks, XSS hacking, DOS and DDOS attacks and of course SPAM.
We can support a higher level or security to your website if you migrate your hosting environment to our own.
Request a malware clean-up and security hardening
Wordpress clean up and hardening